Sunday, December 26, 2010

Two posts in 20 minutes? Oh yeah, I'm hyperfocusing.

So right now I am working on the arduous task of cleaning my room. Currently I am on the fourth day — and no, my room is not that messy, and yes, it really has taken me that long (to get about a 1/6th through it). One of the added issues (and excuses) is that I truly love painting and thus have an massive supply of art supplies that I have to organize. But, regardless, it has taken me four days to do what my ADDless sister could do in about an hour. I started with my desk:

1: Throw away the random trash...but is this really trash or am I going to need it later? Should I keep it? I should probably keep it.
2. I sure have a lot of unnecessary books on my desk...Yeah, I'll put them on the bookshelf, I can make room...all I have to do is organize the bookshelf...ok, move my jewelry box to the dresser — I really should dust the top of the dresser first. Wow there is a lot of random change on it, I need to find some sort of container so I can "stay organized!"
3. Ok, books are moved, dressers dusted, jewelry box is moved, and that old butter dish is perfect for my change. Holy crap, I have a lot of old school papers. I neeeeed to keep those. Afterall, there for my major, I'll definitely need those notes later. Well, as long as I'm keeping those I might as well keep all of them.
4. That means I definitely need some sort of filing system. Alright, I'll put all my school papers in a big binder (labeled of course). Well, I don't have any separaters but I can just cut of some file folders and label those. Wow, a whole bunch of these don't have holes! Where's that damn hole punch? I know it's around here somewhere?
5. Et cetera
6. Et cetera
7. Well I just can't do this anymore. I'll just go check my email. And as long as I'm on the internet I might as well check out, and has about 7 or 8 different sites that I love.

That is the first cleaning day...about four hours of work (plus another few surfing the internet, of course). And no, I never did make that filing system, apparently finding the binder was work enough. And no, my desk looked nearly the same as it did before I started. And yes, it now looks exactly as it did before it started.

Shit, I'll never finish.

Thus, too make this obscenely long post even longer, I have a few tips and suggestions to make cleaning/organizing a plausible task.

1. Do only little bits at a time. Set a goal of doing three (or two, or even one) tasks. If you're overwhelmed you'll just give up.
2. Accept the fact that it is going to take a long (long, long, long) time.
3. Do the shallow facade things first. If you put in a couple hours (or longer) and you can't see it getting cleaner — and even getting messier —yup, you'll just give up.
4. Organize your books by color. It is one of those shallow facade things that will make you're shelf (and room) look neater...and worth the extra time it takes to find a book.
5. Realize that ADD manifests itself in everyone differently. It's ok if these suggestions don't fit you. Find you're own strategy.

Any other frustrations? Any other suggestions?

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