Sunday, January 2, 2011

A kick in the face

At least that is what it feels like when work on a drawing for about 6 hours, until it's ready to project, only to realize that I don't have the correct size canvas...and the art store is closed...and I can't afford the $50+ canvas anyway.

Sometimes I feel like life doesn't want me to succeed. That no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try, things don't work out for stupid reason (ie. I should have checked my stock of canvases first).

But I feel like screaming. It's all bullshit. I just want to be able to finish — to succeed — and damn it, it seems like no matter what I do — no matter how much effort — I can't.

And, as the cycle usually I feel like doing absolutely nothing. "If this is how it works out I might as well not try." I know that is a horrible attitude, but I think I will just slink into bed with my cat and watch a couple of Eddie Izzard specials.

Oh shit, I need to put away the projector because I will trip over it, take all of my laundry off my bed, fold it, put it away and change my sheets.

I guess it's just one of those days.

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