Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Ok, I had a nice little panic attack...

And I think I can handle this school stuff via one of the great lessons that I learned from my therapist (we'll call her Elle)...Compartmentalizing!

So I am breaking this huge pile of shit (and yes, again I do mean shit) into handle-able little nuggets.

1. Go to old university, try to talk with the transportation director and ask if he can reduce the cost because a. I had to leave school abruptly and not on the best of circumstances and b. I never received any bill (even though they supposedly gave the info to a collection agency) thus I didn't know they were accruing interest.

2. Pay ticket fees (hopefully discounted) and get an unofficial transcript.

3. Figure out what classes transfer and what my cumulative g.p.a. is.

4. Get letters of rec to help prove that I am, in fact, a good and honest student.

5. Write an email and letter to the admissions director of new university explaining (and apologizing for) everything.

6. oh yeah, and cancel the other school to which I applied so I don't have to do all this twofold.

Alright...somewhat small nuggets. Although it doesn't really help to see the long list. Oh well, I don't really have any other options (unless I want to transfer at 25 and graduate by 28). Sheesh.

And I promise, this is the last least for a while!

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