Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Post

I think I mentioned that I am back on my meds. Well, since I have gone on and off them so many times (bad crazy person, baaaaad crazy person) I seem to be having more side effects than I ever did before. I am amazingly tired (bipolar meds) even though I am taking adderall too. I have been a bit moody and short tempered (although that's a symptom of bipolar II anyway). I've been having some odd physical reactions to anxiety that I assume is exacerbated my the adderall. I think I mentioned that before too (impulsed to shut my throat as I am exhaling. It only feels better when I hold my breath, but let's be serious if I suffocate I won't be able to write this anonymous and hardly followed blog).

So, I wrote all of that to get to my real point. Because I am having those side effects — and am trying to lose the weight that I gained from overeating as a side effect of ADD sans meds — I offered to be the designated driver on New Years Eve. Wow, it's really not that much fun. I am surprised that I didn't really mind not drinking. I got free soda all night, saved a lot of money, and had the absolute 0% chance of getting a DUI. It was the company and general population that was doing my fun time in. I really did have a lot of fun as everyone was getting drunk, and I really did have fun while everyone was drunk, it was just that hour or so where everyone was sloppy! Falling on me, stepping on my feet, spilling drinks on my feet, pushing me, harassing me about the weather, the walk to the car and the lack of available food. But I do really love my friends. And I am really glad that they had fun — especially because when I get drunk I am that sloppy. And I am really happy that people didn't drive home because of me and my super-soberness.

So here's to my personal New Years resolutions: staying on my meds even if I feel I don't need them anymore, and losing my "automatic arm" overeating weight.

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